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Climate change could be making allergy season worse in San Luis Obispo county

“Having a runny nose and congestion, even losing sense of smell can happen with allergies. So we know of those as potential Covid symptoms. The main difference is people with allergies have itching,” said allergy, asthma and immunology specialist Dr. Vincent Tubiolo.

FDA approves self-injectable formulation of Xolair

Having Xolair available for self-administration at home will ease the treatment for many patients with asthma, hives and nasal polyps. We know that this drug is effective and can be administered safely. The COVID-19 pandemic has made it more difficult for many patients to receive treatments in an office setting due to travel and social distancing. Some competitor drugs that also treat asthma and require injections are already available for use at home. Xolair has a long safety and efficacy history and having this available for self-administration at home will make a big difference for several patients and improve compliance, in my opinion.

Manage Your Allergies

Trees and grass pollen that cause spring allergies can blow into your house even if you open your windows even a crack, especially during the early morning hours when pollen counts are typically the highest according to Vincent Tubiolo M.D. allergy, asthma and immunological specialist. If your house is stuffy consider running your air conditioner but remember to change your filters before each season to remove pollen dust and mold. If you're really suffering invest in the air purifier with a HEPA filter to help suck up lingering allergens.

Amid Rising Risk of Peanut Allergies, Hope Is on Horizon for Ways to Ease Reactions

Dr. Vincent Tubiolo, a Santa Barbara allergist, recently spoke with Noozhawk about the rise in peanut allergies and medical efforts to combat the serious reactions, which can be fatal in some cases.

“We don’t know exactly why children develop allergy to nuts,” he said.

In some cases, Tubiolo said, genetically predisposed individuals become exposed to peanuts during a susceptible time in their lives and their immune response causes an allergy.

Gusty weather problematic for some allergy sufferers

“Wind is very challenging especially during the spring time because we have a lot of outdoor pollen. Right now we have a lot of tree pollen and we’re starting to get into the grass season so all of these require the wind to help pollinate and they are at high levels now,” explained allergy specialist, Dr. Vincent Tubiolo.